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About Us

Our Team

Geoff Kelly, founding director of ESPC Services, has been a lawyer and investigator for over 30 years.  After many years in the commercial and insurance sectors, he formed ESPC Services to pursue a professional interest in child protection and support for schools and other agencies engaged in child-related services, and workplace misconduct issues focusing on the not-for-profit sector.


Geoff’s experience includes high-profile social interest cases.  He led the witness-evidence investigation team for the Commonwealth in the landmark Federal Court Stolen Children cases; and has extensive experience in cases relating to traditional rights and other issues including child protection, in Aboriginal communities across northern and central Australia and the eastern states.  Several cases on which he has worked have become benchmarks for practice standards, and leading reported court cases. 

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With ESPC Services, Geoff has conducted or directed over 200 reportable conduct and similar investigations, and many other cases involving workplace misconduct, allegations against church workers, and other complex issues. Working with independent Christian schools, child protection regulators, and academics, Geoff has led the development and delivery of training programs focused on child protection and responding to allegations, which have been delivered to participants from across Australia, representing over 200 independent and systemic agencies.

Geoff is a recognised expert in investigation and preparation of civil evidence, and has been called to give evidence in those fields in Australian State and Federal Courts.  He is an occasional speaker at legal and other industry conferences, and an advisor to several children's services agencies.

Geoff leads a small team of highly qualified consultants with significant experience investigating reportable conduct and child abuse; and workplace issues involving employee misconduct including sexual harassment and abuse, discrimination, bullying and other issues.

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